Travel PPC Campaign | Pay Per Call Marketing for Travel Industry

Travel PPC Campaign | Pay Per Call Marketing for Travel Industry

We custom create Travel PPC and Per per call Campaigns specifically for travel Industry
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Ads Account Management
  • Call Only Campaign
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Adwords
  • Display Ads
travel campaign

SEO Service for Travel Industry

We develop high quality content specifically for travel Industry for Travel PPC campaigns. It is important to get organic traffic to your website to lower your marketing cost.
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travel ppc campaign
Quality Link Building
Quality Link Building
We also provide services to get high quality links to your content. Off page is as important as On site SEO. Without offsite SEO you will never be able to rank on any search engine.
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travel marketing campaigns

Travel PPC Campaign

Travel Calls or Travel Call only campaigns Available

travel ppc agencyWant to create quantifiable, targeted, and result-oriented travel marketing campaigns? Then you are at the right place!

Techgeekz is here to provide you comprehensive solutions for Travel PPC and through our creative travel marketing campaigns, you can reach to potential travellers. Techgeekz works closely with its team and clients to reach target audiences, boost profitable revenue, and increase ROI.

With a wide-ranging knowledge of PPC for travel industry and a strong understanding of what constructs an operational travel marketing campaign, we have assisted our clients in the travel segment to develop their businesses exponentially.

PPC for travel industry is a targeted, cost-effective, and measurable campaign that leads to better results and ROI. Teckgeekz has been serving the travel industry specifically since 2011, and has already shown a massive conversion to its potential clients through travel PPC calls. Our tailor-made & best travel campaigns help our clients to be on top of the list. If needed, we will also show you how we can take your website to the next level using the PPC travel campaign.

ppc travel

Travel Industry is ever-changing, and new companies are entering to the market every day. It has become hard for any new companies to make their online presence with current market conditions. But this will not happen with you if you’re choosing a trustable travel PPC agency such as Teckgeekz. Techgeekz is well-known for creating innovative & best travel campaigns, helping clients achieve their goals efficiently. Our travel marketing campaigns process inspire people to go on for the next travel.

As a travel PPC agency, our experts have years of experience generating calls through travel marketing campaigns. So, please feel free to contact get in touch with us, and we will give you 2 hours of Marketing Consultation Absolutely free.

Goals and Plan Analysis

Our Team sets the plan for clients by understanding their niche and business goals. Teckgeekz takes a personal interest in client’s goals and look after the travel campaigns

Understanding Target Audience

We understand the client’s target audience and set specific KPIs, helping our client the business success through travel PPC campaign. Site visitors are somehow different from PPC audience, and we bifurcate them personally to achieve success in travel sector.

Keyword Strategy & Landing Page

To provide the best traffic to our client’s travel site, we choose the right sets of niche keywords and execute accordingly. We are also expert in driving traffic to the particular landing page through Travel PPC campaigns

Monitoring & Management including Account Setup

We setup the client’s account with Google Adwords and other PPC tools, helping the client get the usefulness of travel marketing campaign. We also monitor the Travel campaign regularly through conversion rates and manage them accordingly to achieve quick success.

Report Sharing:

We love to share PPC travel campaign reports with our clients and speak to them regarding their achievements and progress in travel sector.

Basic Requirements to Generate Travel PPC Calls

  • Web Hosting Services like Godaddy or AWS or Google Cloud
  • Travel Agency Website
  • Google Ads or Microsoft Bing Advertising Accounts
  • Booking Engine
  • Airlines Booking API
  • Travel GDS
  • Toll Free number to receive calls

Why Teckgeekz for the Best Travel Campaigns

  • Expert team
  • Experience of over 10 years working for the same industry
  • Dedicated Ads campaign
  • Generate Calls with less Ad spend
  • Increase conversions
  • Easy and cost-effective service

Getting Started with Google Ads for Travel Marketing Campaignstravel ppc

  • Target 90% of your Audience
  • Create web search or Call only ads
  • Setup correct bid strategy
  • Optimize website
  • Optimize Keywords
  • Optimize Ad copy and extensions

Generating inbound calls is not an easy task as Google Ads policy changes regularly. Therefore, it is essential to follow all google ads policies before starting with travel calls campaigns. With our team of experts managing more than 30+ campaigns on a given day, we are familiar with all policies and know how to get you the results you are looking for. As a result, we are considered to be the best travel PPC agency in the market for generating inbound calls quickly for Airlines.

Apart from PPC travel, we also provide Google Call only campaigns; however, the requirements for call only campaigns differ from each Website. Our travel marketing campaigns and travel calls campaigns will help you promote your travel site and business as well!

We can also help with the web development of a website that would meet all current requirements as per Ads policy for google or Bing. We setup the Website on our High Performance VPS. We provide Managed Cloud Hosting for travel websites as well. Travel websites fail to work as desired on shared hosting as it requires a lot of API calls. Therefore, it is advisable to use High Performance Virtual System or Cloud Hosting. You can contact us for more details on Managed Cloud Hosting.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is a powerful tool for businesses in the travel industry to reach potential customers and drive bookings for PPC Marketing for travel However, the travel industry presents unique challenges for PPC marketers, requiring a tailored approach to achieve success.

What Makes Paid Ads in the Travel Industry Different?

High Competition: The travel industry is highly competitive, with numerous airlines, hotels, and travel agencies vying for attention.

Complex Decision-Making: Travel purchases often involve significant financial investments and require extensive research, making it crucial to provide detailed and compelling information.

Seasonal Fluctuations: Travel demand varies seasonally, impacting campaign performance and requiring adjustments to budgets and targeting.

Multiple Touchpoints: Customers may interact with multiple touchpoints before making a booking, necessitating a cohesive and consistent advertising strategy.

Building a PPC Strategy in the Travel Industry

Define Target Audience: Identify the specific demographics, interests, and travel preferences of your ideal customers.

Set Clear Goals: Determine the desired outcomes of your PPC campaign, such as flight booking calls, inbound calls, or website conversions.

Choose the Right Platform: Consider the most relevant platforms for your target audience, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, or social media advertising.

Create Compelling Ad Copy: Use persuasive language, highlight key benefits, and provide clear calls to action.

Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages are user-friendly, informative, and aligned with your ad copy to drive conversions.

Tips for Building Your Travel PPC Strategy

Use Industry-Specific Keywords: Target keywords related to specific destinations, airlines (e.g., “American Airlines flights"), and travel services (e.g., “air ticketing website").

Implement Call Extensions: Display a phone number in your ads to encourage flight booking calls.

Leverage Retargeting: Retarget potential customers who have visited your website or interacted with your ads.

Partner with Travel Agencies: Collaborate with travel agencies to expand your reach and leverage their expertise.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly track campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments to optimize results.

How To Analyze and Optimize Your Travel PPC Campaign

Track Key Metrics: Monitor metrics such as cost per click, conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI).

Identify Underperforming Keywords: Analyze keyword performance and remove or adjust low-performing keywords.

Optimize Ad Copy and Landing Pages: Test different ad copy variations and landing page designs to improve click-through rates and conversions.

Adjust Bids and Targeting: Adjust bids and targeting parameters to maximize campaign efficiency and reach the right audience.

Get in Touch with Teckgeekz Digital Marketing for Assistance: Consider partnering with a PPC agency or consultant for expert guidance and campaign optimization.

PPC marketing is a crucial tool for travel businesses to drive bookings and reach potential customers. By understanding the unique challenges of the travel industry and implementing a tailored PPC strategy, businesses can effectively engage their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

Get in touch with Teckgeekz today and get started with a dedicated team of experts who work for your success. Use a WhatsApp Chat or call us anytime and start your PPC travel campaign now!

See How Well Your Campaign is Optimized

Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion.

Our team of professional Google Ads experts is the perfect partner for a successful Travel PPC or Travel pay per call Marketing.

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