How to Generate Calls for US Airlines and Flights Booking Calls

Are you looking for inbound calls for Airlines in United States. Need assistance in generating inbound calls for Delta, United, Southwest and spirit Airlines. Need Inbound calls based out of USA, Canada and UK. Teckgeekz has been serving business in generating inbound calls for Travel call centers since 2011. We specialize in proving inbound calls for Delta Airlines, United Airlines or all type of Mixed Airlines booking calls.

How we generate Inbound calls or Flight booking Calls

  • We use Google Ads to generate calls
  • We provide you with a google ads campaign
  • Optimize the inbound calls campaign
  • Generate calls with lowest possible Ad spend

Getting started with Google Ads

  • With google you target the 90% of your Audience
  • Create web search or Call only ads
  • Setup correct bid strategy
  • Optimize website
  • Optimize Keywords
  • Optimize Ad copy and extensions

How we can help in generating Air Tickets Booking

  • Expert team
  • Experience of over 10 years working for the same industry
  • Dedicated Ads campaign
  • Generate Calls with less Ad spend
  • Increase conversions
  • Easy and cost effective service

Generating inbound calls for US based Airlines is not an easy Task as Google Ads policy changes on Regular basis. It is very important to follow all google ads policies before starting with campaigns. With our team of experts managing more than 30+ campaigns on a given day are familiar with all policies and how to get you the results you are looking for.

Get in touch with Teckgeekz today and get started with a dedicated team of experts who work for your success. Start a Whatsapp Chat or call us anytime.

Best ways to generate Calls For Travel Agency or Airlines Calls

Word Of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth marketing is still the most credible way of promoting a business. People like hearing from people and the first person that should be telling others about your business is you. Everywhere you go, everyone opportunity you get, you should be sharing your business with others. Ask friends and family members to spread the word to their friends and colleagues, letting them know that when they are ready to book a trip, they should contact you.

Well Designed Website

It is 2019 and just in case you have been living under a rock for the last 20 years everybody and their pets are online searching for information. The exact number is 2.2 billion. I can promise you that at least a handful of those people are looking for a travel agent to help them book their vacation. Your website is your online storefront. You do not get any piece of that 3.2 billion is you do not have a website. Please note that the title said “Well Designed Website.”

Keyword Optimization

Keyword search is, without a doubt, the NUMBER ONE source of driving sales and consumer leads. Google is king when it comes to finding buyers, and you need to find out how you can capture those customers that are looking for the type of travel services that you offer. The answer to that is Keyword Optimization, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you do not understand SEO, seek the assistance of an expert that can help you identify the set of keywords that will attract the type of “Buyers” you are looking for. No, “Travel Agent” is not a buyer keyword and unless you have millions to spend on Google ads, you very likely will not get ranked for such a competitive keyword. Identify specific long-tail phrases that someone would likely type in search engines when they are looking your services. Something like “Find A Jamaica Travel Specialist” or “find a travel agent in New York”. If you own top rankings for the right keywords, you can pretty much stop all other means of generating leads.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has been around since the invention of emails, and it is still today one of the most efficient ways of getting customer leads for any business. To start your email marketing campaign, you fist need to start building your email list. If you do not know how to farm an email list check out this article containing 10 Ways To Build An Email List. Once you have your list going, you should be setting weekly or bi-weekly newsletters to your email list with travel deals, tips, and any information relevant to the type of travel services that you offer. Your newsletter should always include a “Call To Action” such as “Contact Me To Book Your Vacation” or, “Click Here For More Information”.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is very useful lead generation tool for many reasons. Reason number one it’s FREE to use. You can use social media to connect with and build a following of people that are your potential clients; you can share information with these followers on a daily basis about your services. Social media is also an excellent way to build your brand and establish credibility, which translates into more leads and more customers for your travel business.

Classified Ads

There are many free and paid business classifieds out there that you can use to promote your business. Popular sites like Craigslist, Kijiji, Yellow pages and many others get millions of daily visitors that could be potential customers. Free classified ads are not as effective as when you pay to have your business listing at the top of the pages. Create a very catchy ad title with a lovely image and a brief overview of your business. Make sure you include a link to a contact form on your site or a phone number that interested travelers can easily reach you.

Blog Marketing

If you want to be seen as an expert in your niche travel market, get a lot of visitors to your website, rank highly on search engines, start blogging. The most successful websites online use blogging and article marketing as a tool to engage visitors and convert traffic into customers. Start a travel blog about the type of travel services you offer, post to your website and share to your social media pages and your weekly newsletter. By writing about interesting topics and providing useful tips and insight on your subject matter, you will be seen as an expert and clients will come to you when they are ready to make a purchase. Blogging will also make your site more credible with Google, and you will rank faster and higher for relevant key phrases.

Youtube Video Marketing

An excellent and effective way to get your brand messaging out to customers is by starting a YouTube channel. Billions of users go to YouTube to search for videos about topics of interest, and if you are serving content in a niche travel category, those users will find you. Video marketing also helps you reach many of today’s web users that have short attention span and do not like to read and much prefer looking at images or watching a video. It is not as easy to generate good content for your YouTube video channel as it is for blogging, but every opportunity you get to record a great video to upload to YouTube, you should do so as it will no doubt generate inquiries from potential customers.

Trade Shows

Trade shows cost money, and they can be exhausting. However, there is no better way to get face-to-face and build relationships with potential clients. There are dozens of travel trade shows happening around you, and some of your potential customers are attending these exhibits. It is worth the investment to rent a booth space for the weekend and get yourself in front of thousands of potential customers at one of these tradeshows. Don’t just rent a booth and hand out brochures, have something setup that will encourage the people that stop at your both to leave their contact information for you to send them your newsletters.

Niche Branding

We probably write about finding a niche and establishing a Niche Brand in every single one of my lead generation articles. However, we do not believe I can say it enough times. It is just that important. If you wish to differentiate yourself from everyone else out there and give customers a compelling reason to enlist your services when booking their trip, you need to identify an area of specialty and focus your marketing and branding to that niche. When your website content, your social media profile, your trade show brochures and your company name represents something other than the general hotel and flight packages customers can find on Expedia, your services will attract more attention, and especially that of those seeking out the type of travel you are offering.

Customer Incentives

Offer potential customers something for doing business with you. A Spa voucher, complimentary airport transfers, a gift basket; it does not have to be a discount. People like doing business with those that give back, and you can gain a lot of clients by showing them that you are will to reward them for their business. Your best incentive to customers is excellent customer service. Sometimes that can be in the form of a restaurant gift card to show your appreciation.

Referral Program

It is not just potential customers that you should offer incentives to; start an incentive program for those willing to send you customers. Your friends and family members will likely send you referrals for free, but people that are not that close to you will be more encouraged to do so if they will get something in return. For your referral program to work, you have to ensure people know about it. Make sure you include your referral program details as a part of your weekly newsletters, social media marketing and make it visible on your website.

Networking Events

A part of building a business is continually expanding your network. Whether it is to find more customers or to develop partnerships with business associates that can translate into more customers, networking is key to your overall business success. Find out about events that are already existing that’s attended by the type of people your would like to become your clients of marketing partners. Arm yourself properly with business cards and a well thought out 1-minute verbal pitch about your business.

Leads Program

There are a few programs out there that travel agents can sign up for to receive customer-booking leads. is one company that offers such a program. It is highly unlikely that you will get a lot of leads from any of these programs that convert into paying customers. However, for the year, you may get the one or two groups from them that may make it worth the annual fees they charge. Generating your own leads is what is going to make or break your business, but some extra business from other sources will only help to add to the pot.

Flight Booking Calls for Google Ads

Leveraging Google ads to Generate Flight booking Calls. Google ads Offers various campaigns and strategies to generate traffic or calls from google ads. Teckgeekz PPC Marketing for Travel can help develop a right strategy to get the best results out of your Google Ads Travel Calls Campaign.

Unlocking the Potential of Google Ads For Flight Booking Calls

When it comes to driving inbound calls for flight bookings, Google Ads serves as a powerful ally. Leveraging keywords like “flight booking calls," “airlines flights," and specific airline names such as “American Airlines" and “United Airlines," our campaigns are finely tuned to capture the attention of potential travelers actively searching for air ticketing options.

Crafting a Compelling Landing Page For Flight Booking Calls

A crucial element in our strategy is the creation of a high-converting landing page for generating flight booking calls. This page serves as the virtual storefront, enticing visitors to take action. By incorporating persuasive content and visually appealing design, we ensure that users are not only captivated but compelled to make the next move – placing a call to book their flights.

Strategic Integration with Travel Agencies

Collaboration with travel agencies is a key aspect of our approach. By strategically aligning our campaigns with established travel partners, we tap into their customer base, enhancing the visibility of our ads and driving more inbound calls. This synergy creates a win-win scenario for both airlines and travel agencies.

Optimizing for Mobile Users

In an era dominated by smartphones, our campaigns are meticulously optimized for mobile users. With a significant portion of travel-related searches occurring on mobile devices, our ads seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring a user-friendly experience that encourages potential customers to make the critical call to book flights.


 Google Performance Max

  • Goal Based Google Ads Campaign
  • Access Vast Google ads Inventory
  • Keyword Based Targeting
  • Multi Channel Strategy

Call Only Ads for Flight Booking

  • Generate Calls Directly from Google Ads
  • Call reporting and Call Recording
  • Customer Dials the number directly without visiting the website
  • Complete Control on Flight Booking Calls

Strategies for Flight Booking Calls

Google Ads Offers various strategies to implement and run Google ads to generate Flight booking calls. You can choose the best strategy offered by Google ads to get the best results as per your goals while having complete control over your daily budget spend. Different strategies offered by google are :

  • Maximize clicks
  • Target Value Conversion
  • Cost per Acquisition
  • Impression Share
  • Target Revenue on Ad spend

We can help you structure the best strategy that suits your requirement and start Generating Flight booking calls on google ads. Through strategic Google Ads campaigns, we not only elevate the visibility of airlines and travel agencies but also provide potential travelers with a seamless booking experience. By emphasizing targeted keywords, optimizing for mobile users, and fostering collaborations with travel agencies, our approach is a comprehensive solution that propels flight booking calls to new heights. We have been working in this space since 2014 and have over 100+ happy Clients. Feel free to call or start a whatsapp chat for instant response.